Do I need Power BI Premium?

Often I got the question from customers: “Can you assign my workspace to a premium capacity?” But frequently they actually do not really need Power BI Premium. It remains to be a difficult topic to decide whether someone needs Power BI Premium or not. Therefore, I decided to setup a decision tree that helps to decide if you need Power BI Premium or not.

This decision tree highlights a bunch of Premium specific requirements and features like breaking the data size limits, XMLA Endpoints, unlimited content sharing and much more!

How do I get the Decision tree?

So, how do I get this thing? I decided to open it up for others to contribute. I created a GitHub repository where you can find a PDF version, PNG version and a HTML version of the decision tree. Especially the HTML version is helpful, as it includes links to relevant documentation for the related feature.

Also, you will find an XML file in the repository. This is the editable file which you can use to contribute to the decision tree using If you do so, please contribute to the community by creating a Pull Request in the repository and keep the central one updated.

The decision tree helps you to get the conversation started, but for sure is not perfect, there might be elements missing. In case you find something, please let me know by opening an issue on GitHub.

Note: please know that the decision tree is mainly focused on P-SKU premium capacities. Some elements mentioned in the decision tree are not applicable to other SKUs or Premium Per User.

3 thoughts on “Do I need Power BI Premium?

  1. Pingback: Choosing between Power BI Pro and Premium – Curated SQL

  2. Pingback: Power BI Licensing Calculator – data witches

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